McKenzie River Valley Fishing

Fishing on the McKenzie River
Fishing on the McKenzie River is a glorious experience. Twenty-two native fish and more than seven non-native fish swim this ultra-pure, spring-fed river. The McKenzie River is also one of the most stocked rivers in Oregon with trout from the Leaburg Fish Hatchery and spring chinook salmon from the McKenzie Fish Hatchery. The McKenzie River watershed encompasses 1,300 square miles (3,367 sq km) comprised of tributaries, streams and lakes through a varied terrain. Fish populations include wild and hatchery trout, spring chinook and summer steelhead, sturgeon, sculpin, lamprey, whitefish and more. Regulations vary widely depending on season, section of the river and type of fish, so review the Oregon Sport Fishing Regulations when purchasing your fishing license.
Hire a guide – there are many qualified guides that will take you down the McKenzie River in their wonderful drift boats! For a full list of guides, click here. Our local fly shop is in Walterville at The Walterville Feed Store. In Eugene there are a few great fly shops The Caddis Fly Shop and Home Waters Fly Fishing
Motorize craft (except for rescue craft) are not allowed in the main stem of the river above the Goodpasture Covered Bridge.
Beginning at Mp 8 near Walterville on McKenzie Hwy 126 heading EAST and continuing beyond the town of McKenzie Bridge.
The mile post markers (Mp) switch after Paradise Campground and start at Mp 18 and go down as you head east.
- Taylor, Walterville, McKenzie Hwy Mp 11, right on Deerhorn Rd, Mp 3
- Hendricks Bridge Wayside Park, Walterville, McKenzie Hwy Mp 11.5 right on Hendricks Bridge Road
- Bellinger, Walterville, McKenzie Hwy Mp 12, left on Camp Creek Rd to Oak Point Way, Mp3
- Walterville, Walterville, McKenzie Hwy Mp12.5 on right
- Deerhorn, Walterville, McKenzie Hwy Mp 17.5, right on Holden Creek Rd, right on Bridge St, on left
- Leaburg, Leaburg, McKenzie Hwy Mp 19.5, on right across from East Lane Veterinarian
- Greenwood, Leaburg, McKenzie Hwy Mp 22, right on Greenwood Drive, on left
- Lloyd Knox Waterboard Park, Leaburg, McKenzie Hwy Mp 24, right over EWEB dam, right to fish hatchery
- EWEB, Leaburg, McKenzie Hwy Mp 25.5 on right
- Helfrich Landing, Vida, McKenzie Hwy Mp 28.5, right on Thomson Lane, stay left
- Ben & Kay Dorris State Park, Vida, McKenzie Hwy Mp 29.1, right into park
- Rennie’s Landing, Vida, McKenzie Hwy Mp 32
- Silver Creek, Vida, McKenzie Hwy Mp 34
- Finn Rock, Vida, McKenzie Hwy Mp 38, right on Quartz Creek, stay left
- Forest Glenn, Blue River, McKenzie Hwy Mp 40.5 on right
- Hamlin Landing, Blue River, McKenzie Hwy Mp 43.5 on right
- Bruchart, Blue River, McKenzie Hwy Mp 45.5, right on Aufderheidi Rd
McKenzie Bridge Campground, McKenzie Bridge, McKenzie Hwy Mp 49.5, right into campground - Paradise Campground, McKenzie Bridge, McKenzie Hwy Mp 54, left into campground
- Frissell, McKenzie Bridge, McKenzie Hwy Mp 16.5
- Olallie Campground, McKenzie Bridge, McKenzie Hwy Mp 13, left into campground